April 2020 Board Meeting

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Bancroft Public Library Board of Trustees is Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 6:30 PM. This meeting will be held virtually. If any member of the public would like to attend the meeting, please send an email to Susan Getty at sgetty@sals.edu for the access information. The agenda for this meeting can be found by clicking –> HERE <–

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

2019 Annual Report to the Community

The wonderful Jack Scott at SALS has helped us to create this great infographic representing key statistics from our 2019 year.

Click –> HERE <– for a downloadable version

Library Lighting Project Request for Proposals (expires 3-3-2020)



The Bancroft Public Library is seeking written proposals for the following projects to be performed at the Bancroft/Proudfit Building at 181 S. Main Street, Salem, New York:

NEW LIGHT FIXTURES: supply and install new LED light fixtures in main library area.

All sealed bid proposals must be received by 6 PM on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at the Bancroft Public Library, 181 S. Main Street, Salem, NY 12865. All sealed bids will be opened and read publicly at the March 3, 2020 Bancroft Public Library Board of Trustees meeting. Specifications may be found at the Bancroft Public Library and on its website at https://www.bancroftlibrary.org. The Board of Trustees of the Bancroft Public Library reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Please click –> HERE <– for a downloadable/printable copy of this legal notice.

Please click –> HERE <– for a downloadable/printable copy of the specifications for this project.

March 2020 Board Meeting

The next regularly scheduled meeting of our Library Board is Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held in the Reading Room, and are open to the public.

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

February 2020 Board Meeting

The next regularly scheduled meeting of our Library Board is Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held in the Reading Room, and are open to the public.

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

Library Board Holds Annual Meeting

The Board of Trustees for the Bancroft Public Library in Salem met on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 for their annual meeting, and their regular monthly meeting for January.  At this meeting, officers were elected for the coming year. Ed Donoghue was elected Board President, Kim Erbe was elected to the Vice President position, and Rebecca Brown was voted in as Secretary and Financial Officer. Library Board Liaisons with the Salem Town Board are Kim Erbe and Rebecca Brown. 

The Bancroft Public Library Board of Trustees should be recognized for their hard work and dedication in the past year. The Library Board secured funding through the Southern Adirondack Library System Construction Challenge Grant to pay for John G. Waite Associates Architectural Services to create a blueprint for changes to our building to bring it up to current ADA accessibility standards. The Library Board also applied for a NY State Aid for Library Construction Grant to attain money to help pay for these changes to the building. (We are still awaiting news on this application.) The Board did successfully secure funding via a separate NY State Aid for Library Construction Grant to help pay for a new roof, an upgraded heating and cooling system, and more energy-efficient windows. These forward-thinking changes to the building will serve the whole community well as we move toward the future.

Please update your bookmarks for our website

We’re sure you’ve noticed by now that our website has a fresh new look. You may not have noticed that our web address has changed a bit as well. It has been the case that typing in www.bancroftlibrary.org brings you to our site, but it had been redirecting to our original www.slibrary.org address. Recently, we’ve changed this, and now the site is solely on www.bancroftlibrary.org. Please update your bookmarks accordingly.

January 2020 Board Meeting

The next regularly scheduled meeting of our Library Board is Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held in the Reading Room, and are open to the public.

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

2019 Gingerbread Contest Winners!

Congratulations to our 2019 Gingerbread House Contest winners: Kim Erbe and Simon Hickland!!

created by Simon Hickland, kids category
created by Kim Erbe, adult category

All food and cash donated as part of the voting for this event go directly to the Salem Area Food Pantry. Thanks so much to all who participated and voted.

NO Mobile DMV Day for November

AMENDED TO ADD: There will be NO DMV in Salem today. We just received the call. The roads have gotten too bad, so they cannot make the trip over. See the Washington County DMV calendar to find other mobile DMV sites throughout the month.

Tomorrow (11/19/19) is supposed to be a mobile DMV day here in our building, but we have been informed that the weather may prevent them from getting here. The decision will be made in the morning as to whether or not DMV will be in Salem tomorrow. Please call the main office at 518-746-2163 before heading in.