January 2021 Board Meeting

The next regular monthly meeting of the Bancroft Public Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 6:30 PM.

This meeting will be held virtually.  Members of the public should please email slm-director@sals.edu if they would like a link to attend. If you have an issue you would like addressed at the meeting, but are not able to attend, please email any board member.

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

December 2020 Board Meeting

The next regular monthly meeting of the Bancroft Public Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 6:30 PM.

These meetings will be held in Proudfit Hall following social distancing guidelines. Members of the public should please email slm-director@sals.edu if they would like a link to attend virtually. If you have an issue you would like addressed at the meeting, but are not able to attend, please email any board member.

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

In Memory

This past week the Bancroft Public Library lost one of our friends and past employees, Barb Hunter.  As many of you may remember, Barb worked at the library for many years.  She was an avid reader and was always ready to help library patrons find a good book.  Barb loved being at the library and was always willing to lend a hand to the other staff and to anyone who came into the library.  She made our library a special place that people loved to visit. Over the years she was an active member of the Friends of the Library, working to help support the library in many different ways.  Anyone that knew Barb will remember her as a genuinely kind and friendly person who poured her heart and soul into her work at the library.  It is with heavy hearts we say good-bye.

November 2020 Board Meeting

The next regular monthly meeting of the Bancroft Public Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 6:30 PM.

These meetings will be held in Proudfit Hall following social distancing guidelines. Members of the public should please email slm-director@sals.edu if they would like a link to attend virtually. If you have an issue you would like addressed at the meeting, but are not able to attend, please email any board member.

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

October 2020 Board Meeting

The next regular monthly meeting of the Bancroft Public Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 6:30 PM.

These meetings will be held in Proudfit Hall following social distancing guidelines. Members of the public should please email slm-director@sals.edu if they are planning to attend, so that we can be prepared. If you have an issue you would like addressed at the meeting, but are not able to attend, please email any board member.

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

Reopening Update

We are pleased to announce we’re moving to Phase 4 in our reopening plan. Beginning Monday, August 31 patrons will be allowed in the library for brisk browsing of the stacks and check-out of materials. Due to occupancy limits, only 5 browsing patrons will be allowed in the building at a time. Curbside pickup will remain available for those who prefer it. Masks are required in the building and we ask that anyone handling materials in the stacks use hand sanitizer before doing so. 3 public computers continue to be available for use. Library hours will remain:
–Monday 1 – 6 pm
–Tuesday 4 – 8 pm
–Wednesday 10 am – 2 pm
–Thursday 4 – 8 pm
–Friday 1 – 4 pm
–Saturday 10 am – 2 pm

New Director

The Board of Trustees of Bancroft Public Library is pleased to announce that Lori
Stokem has been selected to be the new Director of the Bancroft Public Library.
Lori brings to the position a keen appreciation of how this Library has evolved to
become a hub of the community.

Well known as a beloved teacher for 20 years at Salem Central School, Lori’s
interest in reading helped her hone the uncanny skill of being able to pair the right
novel with each student, even the most reluctant readers. Her particular interest
in supporting literacy in our community has been on full view as co-founder of
Books In Kids’ Hands, a non-profit literacy program that seeks to nurture a love for
books among Salem’s children.

Lori brings with her a long history of involvement with Bancroft Library. As a
student in Salem she relished how she and her classmates could walk from school
to Bancroft to check out books. While they weren’t allowed to browse the stacks,
the librarian would ride her motorized chair to the second floor and bring books
down to the students. Lori was here in Salem when the heartbreaking, great fire
engulfed the upper floors of the Bancroft Building.

After going to school and living in Boston, Lori returned to Washington County,
earning her B.A., then her M.A., in Education at Norwich University, then Vermont
College, respectively. During this time, Lori not only frequented the Library as a
mother with her children, but also as a teacher, creating summer reading lists,
thus strengthening the bonds between Bancroft Library and Salem Central School.
With the expansion of her family, Lori has enjoyed the great pleasure of being a
grandma in the children’s nook.

Keeping Bancroft Library a vibrant center of the community during these
uncertain times is a challenge Lori recognizes. Not unlike her schoolgirl days, at
the moment patrons are not able to browse the stacks. Instead, Bancroft offers
curbside pick-up of its own collection as well as the collections in the vast
Southern Adirondack Library System. The reopening of the Library, begun before
her arrival, is now Lori’s to ably shepherd, and we know she will do just that. Her
goals include encouraging strong partnership ties to Salem CSD, reviving the clubs
and activities the Library has hosted, and developing educational opportunities,
while attending to the Library’s ever-evolving collection.

The Library’s regular patrons know that former Directors Peg Culver and Susan
Getty have gone above and beyond in the stewardship of Salem’s public library.
Knowing the excitement, the history, and the love of this institution that Lori
Stokem brings with her as the new Library Director, we can be confident that
Bancroft Library remains in the best of hands.

The Library is located at 181 South Main Street. For updated information on
Library hours and offerings please visit bancroftlibrary.org, email slm-director@sals.edu or call (518) 854-7463.

Park Committee Meeting

The Bancroft Public Library Park Committee will be meeting on Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 6:30 pm in Proudfit Hall.

September 2020 Board Meeting

The next regular monthly meeting of the Bancroft Public Library Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 6:30 PM.

These meetings will be held in Proudfit Hall following social distancing guidelines. Members of the public should please email slm-director@sals.edu if they are planning to attend, so that we can be prepared. If you have an issue you would like addressed at the meeting, but are not able to attend, please email any board member.

Previous meeting minutes and agendas are available by clicking the Board of Trustees link under the “About Us” category in the menu bar at the top of this page.

Reopening Update

Beginning Monday, July 27: 

3 Public Computers Available for Use, by appointment

  • Contact the library at 518-854-7463 or slm-director@sals.edu to request an appointment
  • Computer time will be limited to 45 minutes per patron per day
  • Masks must be worn while in the library building

Copy, Fax, and Wireless Printing available

  • Materials/machines will be handled by staff members only

Material Check-Out will continue to be done curbside

  • Place your requests through the library website, by calling 518-854-7463 or emailing slm-director@sals.edu

Increased hours:

  • Monday 1 – 6 pm
  • Tuesday 4 – 8 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am – 2 pm
  • Thursday 4 – 8 pm 
  • Friday 1 – 4 pm
  • Saturday 10 am – 2 pm

You can find the complete reopening plan HERE.

Please continue to watch the library website or Facebook page for further updates.